From a sweet little fan across the ocean

The Little Family, as we affectionately call our son, his wife and their daughter, are living overseas for the year. The brilliant and hard-working Lyssa received a Fulbright Fellowship, and she is teaching English at the University of Warsaw. The Little Family has settled in and done well this year.

Skype has been a real life-saver, allowing us to chat with the Little Family. We can have a lengthy serious and/or silly conversation with all of them and catch up on the news while Emma and Grandpa make faces at each other.

Last month, Emma showed us the pictures she’d drawn for us.

Gma Gpa Emma

This one says she loves us. Note my fashionable side ponytail and glasses, and Grandpa’s impressive beard.

I love pie by Emma

In this picture, Emma declares her love of PIE as well. She loves us and sends us kisses and hugs.

I have plenty of hugs and kisses stored up for her, upon her return. And I promise there will be plenty of pie as well.